Don’t let a car crash haunt you for years to come

Ghoulies and ghosties aren’t the only ones scaring up your neighborhood this Halloween season. In fact, some of the spookiest people you meet might be on the road. Why? If you’re injured in a motor vehicle collision without adequate insurance, you could face a long, scary road of recovery, unplanned-for bills and other headaches. Taking […]
This year, resolve to write your estate plan — for you and those you love!

At the start of the year, many of us take the opportunity to look back on past accomplishments and make plans for the year ahead. Perhaps there’s a habit you’d like to leave behind in 2022, and some work you can do to help 2023 go a little smoother. This year, resolve to tackle your […]
What’s Next? Understanding Wrongful Death and Probate

If you’ve lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence, you’re likely feeling a range of emotions including shock, grief and anger. One thing you shouldn’t feel is frustration with your lawyer. “Our clients are dealing with the emotion and stress of the initial accident, plus the loss of a loved one, […]
Wills and Trusts: Choosing the Tool That’s Best for You

Wills and trusts are both used to distribute your estate after you die, but they’re not the same. “If a will is a map with directions from A to B, a trust is a car with a built-in GPS,” says Rob Iddins, managing law partner of Iddins Law Group. “The majority of our clients only need a […]
Compassion is Key — Kent Lawyers Offer Caring, Helpful Service in Times of Stress

Last month, Iddins Law Group attorney Christian Pearson shared important advice for individuals who have recently been in an accident and are now facing personal injury insurance claims. Iddins Law Group can help you recover on any accident caused by another person. Because of their compassionate service and probate expertise, Iddins Law Group (formerly named Gagley Law Group) […]
When Accidents Happen, You Deserve an Advocate

If you or someone you love is injured due to another person’s negligence, the last thing you want to do is to learn something new. But personal injuries often lead to insurance claims, paperwork and protocols you’ve never seen before. “We help a lot of people with personal injuries who are going to a lawyer […]
Taking the Anxiety Out of Probate and Estate Administration

Losing a loved one is hard enough. Probate and estate administration adds extra stress, even if the will is clear and the estate is well organized. “When clients come in to our office, their anxiety can be really high,” says Rob Iddins, managing law partner of Iddins Law Group. “We take the worry out of the […]
What Happens If You Don’t Prepare a Will?

You spend your entire life tirelessly earning money to provide comfort, shelter and safety for yourself and your family. When you die, do you want that wealth to go to someone you haven’t talked to in 30 years? “Estate planning is an easy thing to procrastinate on! Most of us would rather not do paperwork, […]