What’s Next? Understanding Wrongful Death and Probate

If you’ve lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence, you’re likely feeling a range of emotions including shock, grief and anger. One thing you shouldn’t feel is frustration with your lawyer. “Our clients are dealing with the emotion and stress of the initial accident, plus the loss of a loved one, […]
Taking the Anxiety Out of Probate and Estate Administration

Losing a loved one is hard enough. Probate and estate administration adds extra stress, even if the will is clear and the estate is well organized. “When clients come in to our office, their anxiety can be really high,” says Rob Iddins, managing law partner of Iddins Law Group. “We take the worry out of the […]
5 Tips for Being a Personal Representative

So you’ve been named as personal representative, also known as the executor, of a loved one’s estate. You probably haven’t done one before, and the job may seem obscure and complicated. The legal team you choose will be there to help you with the process, but here are a few tips to get you started […]
Death Taxes: Where We Are Headed

Tax laws are in constant flux, and can have a significant effect on your estate planning needs. This goes doubly so for large estates. While it is wise to consult an accountant on the minutiae, we thought it best to discuss two prominent tax exemptions, and their influence on your estate planning. They are the […]
A Brief Guide to Stepped-Up Cost Basis

What is Stepped Up Cost Basis and how is it important? Below is our brief guide! In a nutshell, stepped-up cost basis saves you capital gains tax! What’s that? It’s the tax on the value of an asset paid when you sell it, based on the increase in that value (called the adjusted cost basis). […]
5 Reasons You Need an Estate Plan

Your estate plan. One of America’s least favorite topics. But taking the time now can save a heap of trouble later. Here are five reasons you should have an estate plan. Appointing a Personal Representative Your Personal Representative (also known as the PR, or the Executor), will be the one to manage your estate when […]